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Consuming Raw Fruits & Veggies With Proper Combining Techniques

Eating raw fruits or raw veggies are both nourishing with the most nutrient-dense, easily digestible, and quick absorption of nutrients, and efficient elimination of waste. Even when we think we are eating healthy by consuming a vegan or raw diet, the combination of foods that are on our plates can either improve or disrupt the digestive Process. Follow these raw food tips to achieve big improvements in your digestive tract and nutrient absorption.

Never Eat Protein With Starchy Carbohydrates

Each group goes well with vegetables, but not at the same meal. Protein needs acidic juices and Starchy Carbohydrates need alkaline fluids to break them down. When acidic and alkaline juices mix they tend to neutralize each other, the result: digestion is impaired and incomplete. For example, eating cereal with milk, nut butter sandwiches (pb & j’s), grains and nuts (found in granola) are examples of bad food combinations.

Never Eat Fruits and Veggies together

They digest at different rates, if consumed together they can cause backup in the digestive system and produce gas and bloating.

Avoid Drinking With Your Meal

What! Crazy right? but drinking liquids during your meals dilutes the digestive juices and enzymes so needed for optimal digestion. Drink 15-30 min before a meal or 2 hours after.

Eat Raw Foods First

Eating raw foods first contributes enzymes to the digestion of cooked foods that follows.

Consume Only Ripe Fruits

Unripe fruits (mostly all that are industrially grown, the ones you see at the supermarkets) take what it needs to ripen from our bodies minerals, enzymes, water, etc.

In conclusion, if you apply the proper food combination along with chewing your food until liquefied, you will be on track to gaining optimal digestion. Chewing your food thoroughly will enforce healthy enzyme function and you will feel very satisfied, eventually no overeating will contribute to loose the extra pounds we have always been wanting to get rid of.

Healthy Living,

Jaclyn Rae

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