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  /  Cindy Andersen

Cindy Andersen

Cindy Andersen

"It’s nice to try and make a positive difference no matter how small. I would highly recommend working with Jaclyn, it’s a step forward. Her recipes are wholesome, filling, and there is a wide variety. It’s nice knowing you are lessening your carbon footprint by living a plant-based life👣. I feel healthier, more energy, and feel better not eating meat."


Oregon State Care Provider

Jaclyn Rae, Vegan Health Coach & Consultant


Oregon State Care Provider

It’s nice to try and make a positive difference no matter how small. I would highly recommend working with Jaclyn, it’s a positive step forwards. Her recipes are wholesome, filling, and there is a wide variety. It’s nice knowing you are lessening your carbon footprint by living a plant-based life👣. I feel healthier, more energy, and feel better not eating meat.