Energy Boosting Brussels Sprouts, Red Cabbage, & Carrots Saute’
On a time crunch and need a quick healthy meal? Or are you just needing a boost of energy after a workout? I have an easy recipe for you! This dish is infused with jalapeno pepper, liquid coconut aminos, topped
Rustic Candied Walnut Stuffed Sweet Potato
Rustic Candied Walnut Stuffed Sweet Potato this is a heart warming dish, that will keep you on your toes! Each bite is filled with delectable flavors and sweet aromas. This is one of my most favorite dishes of all time
Sprouted Red Quinoa Salad
Sprouted Red Quinoa Salad - This is a raw vegan dish, which encompasses sprouted red quinoa (seed). Sprouting in general is known to reduce anti nutrients such as tannins, phytic acid, oxalic acid and uric acid - meaning it provides minerals