How Your Teeth Are Linked To Your Energy Meridians
When Was Your Last Dental Check Up? For those of you who dread going into the dentist, having a regular teeth cleaning is actually beneficial to your entire health. This is important because it also ensures there are no signs of caries, decay, cavities, or other disruptions. I just went in for my six month teeth cleaning. I consider myself a rare breed, because I actually enjoy getting my teeth cleaned. Our entire body is aligned with energy flow. The energy reflects on the health of our internal organ function beginning in our mouths.
What Are Common Warning Signs? Commonly, those experiencing ear aches, body pains, or headaches could be signs of poor dental health. As this kind of response can be from a minor dental disruption. This is because your entire body is connected to the mouth, conditions such as tooth decay or cavities can affect remote regions of the body.
Tooth & Gum Related Diseases: Caries, decay, and plaque build up are huge warning signs of the most common tooth disease among humans. Plaque build up harbors bacteria, which tends to be a sugary and starchy consistency that ferments into an acidic bacteria. This fermentation process is known to harm and break down your tooth’s enamel by removal of important minerals. Tooth abnormalities are another less severe irregularity. Teeth may be out of alignment but in early stages of life, that can be treated with braces.
Healthy Tip: Brush regularly and floss daily to reduce tooth decay or gum disease.
Holistic Practices & Case Studies: More and more holistic practitioners are reporting the dramatic disappearance of symptomatic diseases immediately following a restorative dental treatment. Improvements in health are also seen following the extraction of a diseased tooth that is interfering with the healthy flow of energy through the body’s meridian system. These cases provide growing evidence that disease in a particular tooth or a cavitation in the jaw can have a negative impact on a related organ by obstructing the flow of energy as it circulates throughout the body. (1)
How Our Teeth Are Linked To Our Energy Meridians: The first and second molars or the lower first and second bicuspids are related to the esophagus, stomach, spleen, mammary gland and maxillary sinus. You can view of these connections using the Meridian Tooth Chart App
Just click on an organ and tooth to see the relation. (You will see the relation to the Ying/Yang organs, joints, vertebrae, endocrine system, breast, sensory, muscles, and sinus.)
Many people see a dental hygienist to have dental cleaning, regular check up’s, tooth repairs such as fillings and these types of procedures can initiate a chronic stimulus which may effect the energy meridians and show signs of disease in related organs.
(1) Dentistry, The Center For Natural. “Meridian Tooth Chart — Revised and Updated!” Natural Dentistry in Encinitas, CA | Cosmetic Dentistry, Holistic Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry, & More! | The Center for Natural Dentistry. The Center For Natural Dentistry, 23 Feb. 2009. Web. 18 May 2017.
Dentistry, The Center For Natural. “Meridian Tooth Chart — Revised and Updated!” Natural Dentistry in Encinitas, CA | Cosmetic Dentistry, Holistic Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry, & More! | The Center for Natural Dentistry. The Center For Natural Dentistry, 23 Feb. 2009. Web. 18 May 2017.
Kaur, Tara. “Interactive Tooth Meridian Chart.” Https://Www.tarakaurdds.com/, 2019, www.tarakaurdds.com/education/interactive-tooth-meridian-chart/.
“What Is the Role of Acupuncture in Your Whole Body Approach to My Dental Care? | David L. Lerner, DDS, PC | Yorktown Heights.” David L. Lerner, DDS, PC. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 May 2017.
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