Warming Butternut Squash Soup
Try this wonderful home style dish that encompasses tasty autumn veggies. This dish is made up of root vegetables, which are packed full of healing nutrients. The ingredients provide warming effects on the body and can help increase metabolism. Root
Raw Zucchini Lasagna
This masterpiece is full of savory flavors bursting in your mouth with each bite. This raw zucchini lasagna dish is prepared with hearty layers of raw marinated vegetables, plant-based spreads, and toppings. Eating a raw food diet that encompasses green
Hearty Vegan Pinto Bean & Lima Bean Soup
Hearty Vegan Pinto Bean & Lima Bean Soup - Just like any other meal, eating soup can offer immediate access to essential nutrients. This hearty vegan pinto bean & lima bean soup is loaded with proteins, vitamins and nutrients in