Essential Oils Used For Shingles and Other Painful Nerve Conditions
There are several essential oils that contain analgesic properties, meaning they treat symptoms related to pain and inflammation. Others who are facing more difficult ailments can be treated holistically with the use of anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, or anti-spasmodic compounds. Important: Consult with
Contrast Therapy
Have you ever tried Contrast therapy? This is commonly facilitated by the use of fluctuating cold to hot shower. Using this method of healing, where your body is immersed in hot water followed by the immediate immersion of your body
DIY Vegan Glowing Skin
Do it yourself! Get your skin glowing and rebuild your natural collagen using raw fruits and vegetables. Our skin is our largest organ, which is often exposed to so many harsh environmental components, such as being outdoors with pollutants lurking